Donnerstag, 29. April 2010

Almost Done

We are almost done, with most of our work!
We gathered all the information required, and have plotted almost all of the information on wikispaces. We divided it into categories, and have most of them done, we need to go one more step up the ladder to finish!

Montag, 26. April 2010

Still working on it

Today we started off checking if any teachers responded on our email, we sent asking for information about Shakespeare, unfortunatly no teacher responded.
We are going to get some pp presentations from one of our teachers, and put them together and gather some information.

Freitag, 23. April 2010

Truth or Dare

Today Rachel and i were the only ones in our group working.
The rest was having fun playing dare or truth :(
But after all we got all the group to gather some information of Shakespeare.

Freitag, 16. April 2010

Rachel Fat

Hey I am Giotis today is the 16th of April, and it is sunny.
I am an 11th grade student going to the Frankfurt International School with Rachel Fat her nickname, and Nils the Carrot his nickname. These are 2 friends of mine which are in the same class, and are my partners.